The South Jersey Soccer League (“SJSL”) was founded in 1967 as an affiliate of the United States Youth Soccer Association (“USYSA”). In 2018, the SJSL began a new association with US Club Soccer. The SJSL Executive Board serves as the governing body at the league level for the member clubs and administers the policies and procedures as set forth by the US Soccer Federation, and in accordance with the SJSL Constitution and the Official League Rules and Regulations. The league supports the concept of “Fair Play”, while emphasizing the establishment of a safe and organized playing environment for our youth soccer players.
SJSL has over 70 affiliated member clubs across the southern half of New Jersey, from Northern Burlington to Cape May, comprising more than 500 boys travel teams from U-8 through U19. Member clubs are represented in the league by club designated travel representatives. SJSL holds monthly general membership meetings with the club representatives to pass on registration and league information, provide updates and instruction, and to maintain a mechanism for communication between the league and the member clubs.
SJSL organizes and operates a seasonal playing structure encompassing fall and spring playing seasons. The league provides for a team rating process, establishes team flights, schedules games and fields, arranges for referees, and provides a supervisory presence for the operation of the league.
SJSL also offers other important soccer related activities and events throughout the year, including (as applicable) a “Select Team” program and scholarships to qualified graduating high school seniors.
For additional information please email the SJSL!